Public Speaking
Powell Therapy Solutions, LLC is a research-based company that offers a wide array of public speaking topics that are geared towards treatment, intervention, and trauma-infused care in meeting the needs of teens and adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
These Topics Address:
Sexual Abuse identification in individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
Providing care and treatment for adults and teens diagnosed with ASD.
Taboo- Let's talk about Sex and the ASD community.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and ASD-providing quality treatment.
Clinician's understanding of the presentation of trauma in individuals diagnosed with ASD.
Transition to the Workforce after Graduation: What is next?
Unemployment and its impact on individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
Basement children: The real story behind employing individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
Are employers ready for the autism population?
Discrimination in the Workplace: The employment journey of persons diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
Law and Employment for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders: Who speaks for me?
Public Speaking Videos
Powell Therapy Solutions
Call or email us to schedule a speaking engagement.